Why some can detox from mold and others can’t.

The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Over the past couple weeks I have been overwhelmed with the status of my current health. My thoughts are consumed with detoxing this mold from my body. The more research I do the deeper my thoughts go. I need to stick to the supplement plan that was laid out by my ND along with other modalities to support the detox pathways.

To detox mold from your system there are many functions that need to be working effectively. I have a deficiency in my ability to have good levels of B12, that will affect my methylation, which will then go on to affect detox, brain function, neurological function, almost everything, creatine production, and more. So because I am not methylating properly because of the mold exposure, genetics or both it will be harder to detox without supplementing the nutrients I am deficient in. The more stressed we are, either physically or mentally, the more we use these methyl groups. So we have to have them because that's how we survive. That's how we detox. That's how we make our brain chemicals. That's how our immune system fights assaults. Without them, we don't function.

Mold mycotoxins create inflammation and excess histamine in the body which is another assault on the body. Mold mycotoxins also reduce glutathione. So if you then have a deficiency in methylation, which is the precursor to be able to make glutathione, you've got a double whammy. So I am supplementing with glutathione to support detox.

Mold mycotoxins also affect the gut barrier, they're causing dysregulation in the gut, which then means that while the exposure is there, I can do everything that I want to with the gut, but the integrity of my gut can never get back to normal while I’m exposed to mycotoxins, or have a high level of mycotoxins in the gut. So then it becomes a “chicken before the egg” situation. So I need to support my bile movement so that I can effectively move the toxins out of my body. Brisk walking, rebounding and skin brushing have become part of my routine to support this.

I will dive deeper into more about these processes, mitochondrial function and neurotransmitters etc. in another post for you all later.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me.

As always, take care of yourself and talk to you soon!

With love,



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